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#5 Ways to Live a Simpler Life

Writer's picture: Ariez DAriez D

Many people dream of living a simpler life. Few achieve it. The idea of leaving behind possessions and finding nirvana is tempting, but it is not an easy task. Yet, the benefits are immense. You can get your health back. You can get your family back. Your stress levels will lower. All of these add up to a life lived to its fullest. Who doesn’t want that?

5 Suggestions for Living a Simpler Life

If you are up to the challenge of ditching a complex lifestyle full of stress in exchange for a life well-lived, then here are five suggestions to help you succeed:

  1. Determine your priorities based on your values. What is important to you and your family? What do you want to achieve? What does a simple life look like to you? Once you determine your values, decisions become more straightforward. You say yes to those things that align with your goals and no to those that don’t.

  1. Reign in the digital noise. Smartphones are wonderful tools that should be just that – tools. Ease tension in your life by turning off notifications when you are at dinner or in bed. You might even remove all social media apps from your phone. Unsubscribe from email lists that do not serve your mission and reply to emails only once per day, not as soon as one comes in.

  1. Declutter your home. By removing unnecessary stuff, you open up your home for those possessions you genuinely love or need. You can start small, like in a junk drawer, and then move on to your wardrobe. You will feel freer as possessions no longer weigh you down.

  2. Live within your means. A simple life is one free from the stress of making money to pay bills and buy more stuff. When you are in debt, your stress levels elevate. Instead, pay down debt and learn to live within your means. You will quickly learn to enjoy life without struggling with debt.

  1. Become comfortable with being alone. The constant stimulation of technology and people cause us to be uncomfortable with being alone. You do not have to head out to an isolated mountain cabin and live as a hermit. It may even be uncomfortable for a while. However, as you learn to sit in the quiet with only yourself as company, you learn to relax and listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Embrace the simple life by figuring out your values and then taking the necessary steps to live them out. You will be reaping the benefits of this change before you know it.



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